If you’d like to use the IBD-Control Questionnaire to support clinical care or research, please click Contact Us and submit your request.

Once registered, we’ll send you official copies of the questionnaire as pdf documents.


We respectfully ask users of IBD-Control Questionnaire to abide by the following:

  • Only use the IBD-Control Questionnaire for its intended purpose: i.e. measuring patient-reported outcomes within a clinical setting or as part of research.

  • Do not make any adaptations or changes to the questionnaire, or create and distribute new derivatives.

  • Give appropriate attribution to the creators of the IBD-Control Questionnaire in any future published outputs, by simply citing the original paper (Bodger et al, Gut 2014) and acknowledging copyright where appropriate.

  • Use the questionnaire for non-commercial purposes. The IBD-Control Questionnaire is made freely available to support IBD care and research.


Copyright for the IBD-Control Questionnaire is reserved (© Keith Bodger, 2014).

Users of the full version of the questionnaire, or the IBD-Control-8 short form, should not make any changes to the original content.

Authors reporting the use of the IBD-Control questionnaire in published manuscripts or other materials are requested to kindly cite the original publication:*

Bodger K, Ormerod C, Shackloth D, et al. Development and validation of a simple, generic measure of disease control from the patient perspective: The IBD-Control Questionnaire. Gut 2014; 63:1092–1102.

(*including use of non-English translations of our original work)